

name: Adric Outler
rank: cilvian
position: cook
Gender: male
height:5' 6"
weight: 135
feature: human appears with two heart
place of birth: unknown
parent: tri-nexs from alpha beta ll, foster parent

I was found by USS Explorer, on the planet Morbuis. the crew found me in cyros. as a child. the on board system was badly damage and had to be reanimated. after this l was send to earth and was raised by tri-nex, who was a cook at star fleet headquarters. this where l came interested in cooking.
At the age of 17. l was told of my past and started my sreach for who and where l came from. but on 49702.3, l injured in a Kitchen fire and had no hope of surviving.� but for unknown reason l went into a deep coma and regenated back to health.� after this l went to school for plant life and culture research:eating habits .. and quilfied for deep space reseach: status: cook

Hobbies: gardening, reading and psychology

Word l live by: food is the beginning of all life and happiness.

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