Previous Commands:
Wanderlust Planetary Defense Service
Degree in Agriculture, Princo City Junior College
Degree in Exolinguistics, Alabaster University
Source of Commision:
Starfleet Reserve Officer Training Program
Master:Vessel NGT 10,000 Tons (Belt and Nebulae Certifications)
Helmsman, Tactical Officer Starfleet Oberon Class Vessel
Starfleet Navigator
Personal History:
Born on agricultural world of Princo Four (Official name, local name is
Wanderlust). His early life was spent mainly on maintaining the family
agricultural machinery. Attended the local junior college, gaining a
degree in agriculture, fully intending on working on family farm. After
graduating,� he married. During the Borg Emergency, he was callled up to
Planetary Defense Force. He found that, despite the danger,� he enjoyed
the unlimited horizon the space service provided and decided to join
Starfleet and not� go back to farm. Unfortunately, his wife wanted to
stay on Princo and refused to become a "Starfleet wife," leading to a
largely affable divorce.
He next attended school at Alabaster University, gaining degree in
exolinguistics and a Starfleet ROTC commission. Although older than most
ensigns, he has experiance many ensigns lack.
First assignment: USS Darwin.