
Alik Parks

Name: Alik Parks
Rank: Ensign
Age: 23
Gender Male
Race: Human/Vulcan
Birthday: May 13th
Site of Birth: Unknown�


Alik if a Human/Vulcan found Half dead. Half Human Half Vulcan he has had a hard time making it in the Academy. As a child thought left to die (unconfirmed) on a Cardasin outpost a Cardasin women took him in as her own. On the way home to Cardassia her ship suffered major damage and had to land on a planet. His mom made the planet home. At age 4 his mom was killed by federation ciddesens. They sent him to a star base and left him with the authorities. He was sent to an orphanage on Alpha Centauri. At age 16 he left the orphanage and found an old Human� pilot named Zark. Zark trained him how to fight and fly his ship thinking that Alik could take his place. Two years later Alik and Zark were attacked by pirates. Zark did not make it. Alik then joined Star Fleet. When he was in the academy he studied hard and at age 22 he graduated 2nd in his class. The USS Darwin is the first space ship he was stationed on.

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