Name: Lt. Cmdr. Emaltha Talvis Stevens
Assignment: First Officer, USS Darwin
Species: Trill
Date/Place of Birth: 2342, USS Fearless
Height/Weight: 5�9�, 150 lbs
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Hazel
Family: Tella Garva (Mother, joined), Coran Talvis (Father, unjoined),
Ravin Tolia (Brother, joined), Lucas Stevens (Husband, deceased)
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: None
Born on the USS Fearless en route to the Trill home world,
and daughter of a marine exobiologist and an oceanographer, Emaltha
Talvis was born innately nomadic.� Her parents� jobs required that they
travel constantly and as a consequence Emaltha only visited Trill three
times in the entire period of her life: once shortly after her birth,
for her brother�s joining, and finally for the birth of her niece.� She
had very little interest in the physical sciences as a child but her
joined mother instilled in her the love of stories of the past.� Having
memorized all the adventures of her mother�s Garva symbiant at an early
age, Emaltha began befriending and drilling the natives of the various
places she visited for stories of their cultures.� This intense
curiosity about other cultures history eventually led to her in depth
archaeological studies at the University of Social Sciences on
Persephone V, specializing in mythologies of pre-warp cultures, and
involvement in a research expedition on Landris II.
Emaltha formed a close relationship with her older brother, Ravin, in
her early childhood which endures to this day.� Despite the significant
age difference of 13 years, she and Ravin were inseparable and Emaltha,
always bull-headed and searching for a new challenge, often pushed
herself academically to catch up with her brother and idol, placing her
well ahead of others her age.� They were separated, however, when Ravin
chose to return to Trill and train to be joined like his mother.�
Emaltha had no such inclination, content with her academic pursuits, and
entered the University on Persephone V at the age of 16.� Through the
years, however, they still maintain a close relationship, communicating
almost daily to keep up with each other's lives.
After her time on Landris II, she once again became restless for a new
environment and entered the Starfleet Academy command program.� Her
stubbornness in combination with her straight-forward attitude seemed to
give her a knack for delegating tasks and giving orders but her tendency
to be frank, sometimes painfully so, did not always win the good graces
of some of her professors as she made no secret of her dislike of
several of them.� She took her first assignment on the USS Cochrane as
the Assistant Science Officer but dissatisfied with her job she
requested transfer to the USS Sutherland a year later as Assistant
Operations Officer.� While aboard the Sutherland she met Lt. Lucas
Stevens, a notorious jokester and talented young engineer.� Though an
unlikely pair, the two clicked immediately and after a few months they
married in 2368.� Emaltha chose to add her husband�s name to her own and
they served together on the Sutherland for three more years.�
After Lucas�s sudden death in a freak engineering accident in 2371, Emaltha
again requested transfer to the USS Trieste where she served as Chief of
Operations until she received a promotion to Lieutenant Commander and a
request to serve as first officer on the USS Darwin.
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