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Name: Dexter Verscalli
Nickname:� Dex
Gender:� Male
Race:� Human (Earth)
Age:� 21
Birthday:� June 12th
Hair:� Black
Eyes:� Brown
Height: 5'11" Weight:� 141
Notable Features:� None
Place of Birth:� Madison, Wisconsin
Family:� Ambrose and Annelia Verscalli (parents, both deceased) Equilin Verscalli
History:� Dexter grew up in the 'lowlands' of Wisconsin as the youngest of two brothers, leading a sheltered childhood under the strict supervision of his parents. Ambrose and Annelia Verscalli were both scientists of some fame, wishing to push both of their children in that same direction.� As such, they kept them from much of the social interaction and 'game-playing' most children need and desire.� Dexter developed amazingly under these circumstances, proving to be a 'child prodigy', which was more than his parents could've hoped.� His brother, Equilin, also developed well; however, his growth was not as incredible as Dexter's and this left him second behind his brother for parental attention. Dexter entered into the International School for the Advancement of Young Minds at the age of eight, where he spent the next seven years.� He excelled at his courses, consistently receiving marks and commendations from his teachers.� However, those same teachers also noted his inability to interact well with others, as he tended to remain in the background in group projects. It was at the ISAYM Dexter found his first love�.the art of the rapier.� He became enamored with the weapon and the time period it represented, a time of new growth and astounding discoveries.� It was the rapier, of course, which led him to the field of medical science, one of the 'edges' of continuous discoveries.�
During the final two years at the ISAYM, he focused his education into an independent study on the nature of toxins.� His early studies left him quickly astounded at the numerous amounts of substances alien to all forms of life�.and lethal or debilitating to most of them.� This, in turn, led him to an interest in alien biology, though he didn't have much access to that knowledge at the school. After his graduation at the age of fifteen, Dexter was recruited by StarFleet, being offered an incredible curriculum in their science and medical divisions. He attended the academy for five years, leaving with advanced studies in Toxicology and Xenobiology, his first loves, augmenting them with a general knowledge of biochemistry.� He also found himself engaged in the sport of fencing, proving himself to be rather talented (though, no master, by any means).�
It was during his time at the Academy he lost his parents, who were afflicted with the Carralien Fever while on a research team on Adama IV.� The fever, which was brought on by an unusual mold which sometimes found itself in poorly secured food sources, became his obsession during his latter years at the Academy, solidifying his desire to excel at his chosen profession. Upon graduation from the Academy, Dexter was assigned to the settlement outpost on Garris III, where he was assigned to the medical staff.� His obsession, apparently, followed with him.� After only six months spent at the outpost, the medical crew found themselves faced with a massive outbreak of the fever (due to broken seals on a transport vessel).� The settlement, which consisted of almost one thousand personnel, was widely affected, with more than 90% of the settlers afflicted.� Initially, as he was only an ensign, Dexter was put on a 'nurse' detail, tending to the needs and 'over watching' of the patients.� The simple duty was, perhaps, one of the greatest things that could have happened to Dexter.� He had a wide knowledge of the affliction, but had never seen it up close�.had never had the chance to witness its effects personally. It was this 'up front' observation that led him to notice a peculiarity in the symptons that had not been reported in the manuals at the Academy.� After a long series of days spent with little sleep, Dexter suddenly came upon an answer for the peculiarity.� It was this answer that led to an inoculation. While the inoculation did not immediately cure the effects of the mold's toxin, it did stall the symptoms.� Further attempts led Dexter to a cure, which earned him a commendation from the Medical Academy and a reassignment�.to a starship, as the Chief of Biomedical Sciences.
Skills:� Toxicology, Xenobiology, Biochemistry,� Making the perfect cup of tea without the use of a replicator, Fencing
Hobbies:� Collecting Rapiers, Drinking perfect cups of tea, Reading (a lot of Theoretical Medicine), Gardening Surface
Personality:� Aloof, Nervous, Congenial Personality
Dexter is a friendly individual, though he has difficulties in interpersonal interaction.� The sheltering nature of his parents and the complacency of the teachers at the ISAYM allowed him to grow alone, without a consistent base of human inter-relations.� Often, he seems disconnected, as if he were daydreaming or totally unfocused on his present.� Also due to the same circumstances, Dexter has never been fully at ease with persons he is meeting for the first time or persons in positions of command and/or power.� He often twitches slightly, usually his lips or his hands.� He is often hyperactive, especially in situations dealing with his special knowledges or in highly stressful situations, such as combat or intensive emergency work.� He takes great pride in his abilities and, as such, will often end up pushing someone else out of the way with his over-enthusiasm.� In combat, however, he is often found firing blindly or crouching low. Dexter is also self-conscious, something others will easily notice in time. He is constantly adjusting his hair, picking at specks on his clothing, rarely making eye contact (instead, lowering his eyes or looking off to the side)�even changing his habits and styles on a constant basis. Another thing others will notice in time is Dexter's obsession with non-lethal toxins.� During his time at the Academy, he was known for his self- experimentation of assorted chemicals, ranging from Diyalik Sourge (a liquid derived from a plant in the Rigel System, known for causing extreme periods of immobility) to tobacco (he has been known to smoke cigarettes and cigars from time to time).� He has done this, as he states, in order to further his understanding and respect of toxic agents�though, it is an unusual obsession. He also has an addiction to tea, never being found without a cup and thermos. Strangely, he is always more at ease and outgoing when he has a steaming mug in hand.
Dislikes:� Braggarts and Egotists, Replicated Tea, Shuttle Craft Transportation, Losing games of 3-D Chess
Quote to live by:� "Into every tidy scheme
for arranging the pattern of human life, it is necessary to inject a certain
dose of anarchism."-Bertrand Russell
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